2025 is the year of self-mastery
2025 is the year of self-mastery, and I don’t know about you, but I’m certainly already feeling it! In order to master ourselves, we first need to understand what is not working, what is holding us back, and what are we afraid of? Often it’s only then that we feel the driving need and desire to make change. This year, the energy of The Hermit (major arcana in the Tarot deck) is encouraging us to go within to find the answers we seek.
Kundalini ravages
In the time between Christmas and New Years in 2024, I was feeling tense, anxious and on edge. I could feel in my body that something was brewing… Then on New Year’s Eve, another wave of Kundalini hit. Kundalini is known as a ‘purifying fire’ that purges through all layers of the mind, emotions and physical body. It felt like fire was coursing through my nervous system, joints, and root chakra. This kundalini serpent doesn’t play, she literally pierces skin!
The aftermath
The physical aftermath was triggering and painful, but on top of that, the lack of sleep since Christmas really took a toll. I was catching an hour here and there throughout the day, but every time I dropped into sleep (finally!), it was like Kundalini was raking through my subconscious mind in my dreams. She was bringing to my conscious awareness all the worst moments of my life, my fears, ‘failed’ relationships, and all the things that were not working and needed my attention. I felt all the emotions: grief, overwhelm, frustration, exhaustion and more.
The lightbulb moments
As the lights turned on in my unconscious mind, the realisations started dropping in at the rate of knots. It was like doing shadow work on speed – the aha moments and insights were staggering. I wrote pages and pages in my journal, and I was finally understanding so much about myself on the deepest level. I also realised how I was personally contributing to the collective energy (both light and dark). The wisdom in the spiritual words ‘as within, so without, as above, so below’ resonated deeply.
Going within to heal
Self mastery is all about going within, and understanding that what we see outside of us in the world around us, is also within us. It’s so easy to point the finger and blame others, but in reality, what we see ‘out there’ is a direct mirror of what lies beneath in our unconscious mind. Once we uncover the fears, wounds, and even kinks in our unconscious mind, we unlock the deepest aspect of us that has been holding us back. Imagine finally taking the invisible handbrake off…what becomes available then?
Time to step into yourself
Self-mastery is not about becoming successful in the material sense, but more about mastering your mind and emotions. It’s about accepting ALL aspects of yourself, even the worst parts that you’ve previously been embarrassed about, ashamed of, or hidden away. It’s letting go of the inner judge and critic, and allowing yourself to fully embrace who you are – messiness, warts, and all. And in stepping into yourself wholly and fully, we can drop the judgement of others, and allow them to be fully who they are too.
The Hermit and number 9
2025 is the year of self mastery because in Tarot terms, it correlates to ‘The Hermit’. In numerology, 2025 is a ‘9’ year, and both The Hermit and the numerology of 9 talk about going within, doing the shadow work on yourself, and trusting your intuition. If this is resonating with you, and you’d like support in uncovering your shadows, book in for a Reiki + Coaching session here. I would highly recommend having someone to support you through this process, as it can bring up a lot!
Learn Reiki here!
If you’re interested in learning more and doing a deeper dive inwards, check out our Reiki Courses here. Learning Reiki isn’t about learning to heal others. It’s through healing ourselves that we open up space for others to recognise themselves in us. We become an open channel for light and answers to flow through. Start with Reiki Level 1, then move to Reiki Level 2, and Reiki 3a. If you’re ready to uncover more, I’m also running Seichim Reiki Courses in 2025 too! Check them out and book in here.