5 ways to develop your intuition!

By Casey Cheah, 2 August 2023

5 ways to develop your intuition!

5 ways to develop your intuition and expand your awareness!

Everyone has access to their intuition, however I know it may come more easily to some people than others. The good news is you can learn to develop your intuition, and with practice it definitely gets easier. Here are 5 ways to develop your intuition and expand your awareness with more ease:

1. Meditate!

Practising meditation is the perfect place to start to build awareness of your intuition. Learning to quiet your chattering mind, sitting in stillness, and opening your awareness is key. You might like to start with a guided meditation if you are new to the practice of meditating. Or if you feel more comfortable, you could narrow your focus to one thing. This might be your breath, a candle flame, the sounds you hear around you, or your inner feelings and pulsations within your body. Over time and with practice, you’ll find the amount of thoughts you have will lessen, and there might even be more space between each thought. This space allows your intuitive insights, feelings and downloads to start to flow through.

2. Listen to your body

Your body is always communicating with you, whether you are paying attention or not! I call this our ‘inner guidance system’. Everything you feel is a message from your body and your inner guidance system. All emotions signal something to you if you listen carefully enough! Journaling about your emotions and feelings is a great way to build up your intuition and listen more carefully to your inner guidance system. Ask yourself, what brings you joy, happiness and excitement? What brings you frustration, anger or sadness? Start to label the feelings and emotions that bubble to the surface on a daily basis. The more aware you are of your inner guidance system, the more you will start to become aware of your intuition too.

3. Take time to dream, fantasise, and visualise

As well as meditation and journaling about your emotions, it can also help to take time to dream, fantasise, and visualise. Spend time in quiet reflection, and visualise what it is that you really want? What would your ideal day look like? What types of people do you want to communicate with and spend time with? Allow yourself to dream about your ideal relationship, your ideal house, and your ideal job. You might like to use your imagination and take yourself to your happy place, where you can relax and enjoy the vision you have created for yourself.

I personally love to visualise walking slowly along the beach, the sun shining down, a gentle breeze blowing on my skin, and the waves gently lapping at my ankles. The feeling of the sand between my toes, and the blue sky with not a cloud in sight makes for a very relaxing and peaceful vision! Intuition, vision, and creativity all come from the same place, so allow yourself to open up, relax, and indulge this part of your mind.

4. Slow down your breathing

Practising breathing exercises is a great way to calm your mind and nervous system, grounding you into the present moment. Intuition only comes when you are present, grounded, and relaxed. If your mind is racing at a million miles per hour, it’s very difficult to notice the intuitive downloads when they drop in! Practice taking slow, deep breaths into your abdomen. In Reiki, your belly is called your Hara. This is known as your ‘centre of truth’, where your gut instinct sits. Take your time, slow down your breath, expand your body’s awareness, and tune into your gut instinct and intuition.

5. Reiki healing!

One of the best ways to increase your intuition is through Reiki healing! Receiving Reiki can help open up your awareness and connect you to your higher Self, or intuition with more ease. To take it even further and dive deeper into your intuition, take a Reiki Course! Reiki Level 1 is the perfect place to start. In this Reiki Course, you’ll learn meditation techniques, become attuned to Reiki energy, and receive Reiju, a spiritual blessing. All of these things help to open up your intuition massively, and helps you to become more aware of those subtle intuitive downloads and insights when they do drop in.

Book in or learn more about Reiki healing

These 5 ways to develop your intuition and expand your awareness will help immensely with practice over time! If you are ready to book in for a Reiki healing to help, read more and book here! Or, if you’re ready to dive deeper and want to learn more about Reiki, read all about Reiki Level 1 Shoden and book in here. For any questions about developing your intuition further, don’t hesitate to email me here!

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