Can I learn Reiki online?

By Casey Cheah, 14 September 2021

Can I learn Reiki online?

Can I learn Reiki online? This is a question I’m receiving a lot lately, especially since the pandemic started! It would be much easier to do Reiki training online in Melbourne, however, it’s not quite as simple as that.

Reiki is a lineage

Reiki healing is a Japanese energy healing system, developed by Mikau Usui, sometime around 1922. It has been passed down, Reiki Master to student in a lineage format since then. The pathway to become a Reiki Master is special and sacred, and takes time and practice. For me personally, it is with gratitude and respect that I honour the Reiki lineage, and continue to pass on this incredible healing gift to others in this same format.

Distant Reiki healing

Reiki healing can be practiced at a distance, which is called Distant Reiki healing. This is where a Reiki practitioner can channel energy and send it distantly to a client anywhere. Distant Reiki is truly amazing, but can take some time and practice to get a feel for it.

Can I learn Reiki online?

Even though Reiki can be practiced distantly, it is recommended by the Australian Reiki Connection association (ARC) that Reiki only be taught in person. This is to preserve the traditional Reiki lineage and history as much as possible. It’s also to honour the origins of Reiki, which is hands-on healing.

The ARC was founded upon the principles and practices of the Usui System of Reiki (Mikau Usui lineage), in which hands on attunements of Reiki are required. In addition, hands-on healing is one of the 5 pillars (or practices) of Reiki, which does not include Distant Reiki.

Reiki training online

There are practitioners that are teaching Reiki online, however they wouldn’t be members of the ARC (which only allows Reiki to be taught in person). The danger of learning Reiki online is that those teachers are not following the Usui traditions of teaching in person, and are definitely not including hands on Reiki attunements. A Reiki attunement is a sacred ritual passed down from Reiki Master to student. This is where a student is attuned to Reiki energy by their Reiki Master. In addition, Reiki was originally a hands-on practice. Without learning Reiki in person, a student would not get to practice this vital aspect of Reiki healing.

The importance of following the lineage

The purpose of the ARC association is to promote and protect Reiki in its original form, and with respect to the original Usui Reiki lineage. The Reiki industry is unregistered, and as such, it is important to have associations such as the ARC to ensure that Reiki traditions are honoured. Of course there will always be teachers who teach Reiki online. However, when choosing a Reiki Course or Reiki Master to learn from, ask yourself, what is the most important thing to you when learning Reiki? Think about your values, and why you are considering learning Reiki online. Are convenience, time, lockdowns, or price your driving reasons? Or would you prefer to honour the Reiki traditions and practices?

Learning Reiki quickly

Learning Reiki takes time, practice and patience. I have seen Reiki teachers offering ‘quick-fix’ style Reiki courses, in which they promise to teach Reiki in a very short time period. This especially comes into play with Reiki Mastership. It is an absolute honour to become a Reiki Master, and if you are in a rush to learn Reiki (or teach Reiki!), perhaps again sit back and reflect on why this is the case? Reiki is a wonderful healing modality, and a sacred practice that deserves the gift of time and patience.

My Reiki values

For me personally, I wanted to ensure I followed the Reiki traditions. And as a Reiki Master, I also ensure I follow these same Reiki traditions when teaching my Reiki Courses. I only teach Reiki in person, even if that means postponing and rescheduling courses while we battle this pandemic! There are times of course where we have to adapt and evolve. However I am looking forward to the day I can teach Reiki in person again, and trust that that time is not too far away!

If you have any questions about learning Reiki, Reiki training in person or anything else regarding Reiki, contact me here. I would be happy to answer your questions!


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