Develop your psychic abilities

By Casey Cheah, 5 August 2024

Develop your psychic abilities

Develop your psychic abilities with Reiki!

Develop your psychic abilities with Reiki. Reiki healing is not a religious practice, but it is most definitely spiritual! When you learn Reiki and receive Reiki attunements, you’ll understand how intuition really works, and how to open up your third eye. Reiki helps raise your vibration to allow you to step into the ‘Reiki zone’. When in the zone, it’s much easier to receive intuitive messages and read people’s energy fields. Reiki can also help you further develop your psychic abilities.

Natural psychic gifts

Many people are born with natural psychic gifts. These gifts can range from experiencing vivid dreams, seeing premonitions, receiving intuitive messages, an internal ‘knowing’, or experiencing deja vu. Often children are more naturally intuitive than adults, as they have lowered inhibitions and are great at using their imagination! They will often see and experience ‘other worldly’ things, and are more likely to share what they are seeing. Once kids grow up and become adults, there is more likely to be self-judgement, thinking we’re going crazy, or simply just not believing in what we are seeing.

Highly sensitive children

I used to think I wasn’t born with any natural psychic gifts. It’s something I’ve always wanted and been interested in, but didn’t realise that a lot of what I experienced as a child was actually exactly that! Firstly, I was always extremely sensitive. I had a traumatic birth, then proceeded to cry for 3 years until my sister was born! I used to cling to mum’s leg and sleep on dad’s chest. I climbed trees and played outside in nature, and spent all day in the pool during summer. I loved nature, the environment and animals. I felt everyone else’s emotions, had a very heavy pain-body, and have been through many bouts of awful illness and dis-ease.

Reoccurring dreams

When I was young, I also used to have recurring dreams of dying in a fire. It was terrifying! I told my parents about my dreams, and they explained it could be a past life thing. I was so scared that I always had to know where the fire escape was, and how to evacuate should there be a fire. I also experienced deja vu a lot as a child. 

Sort of spiritual parents

My parents weren’t particularly spiritual or religious. I learnt the Lord’s Prayer from Dad, but we never went to church. Mum told me about seeing Dad’s guardian angel once, and also hearing a voice that told her Dad would be the man she would marry. She had only been dating Dad for a very short time at that point! She never really talked much about spirituality. But I did find out later in life that before I was born, mum had her palms and Tarot cards read (and dragged Dad to get his palms read too!), and even experimented with ouija boards! That was a big surprise to learn!

Interested in energy and spirituality

I remember always being interested in energy, and attending energy and spiritual workshops. I was obsessed with the idea of energy coming out of someone’s hands. I read books, and went to spirituality discussion groups. Then I studied yoga and became a yoga teacher for over 10 years. When Mum passed in 2014, I dived even more deeply into spirituality. I did other energy healings and modalities, but I hadn’t come across Reiki energy at that point yet.

Learning Reiki and developing my intuition

When I finally discovered Reiki and studied my Reiki Level 1 in Melbourne, I was so excited! I had a million questions about intuition and spirituality, but my Reiki Master wasn’t open to those questions. It was the same in my Reiki Level 2, Reiki Level 3a and Reiki Mastership. The problem was, Reiki was opening my intuition and psychic abilities up at a rate of knots. I was seeing things, hearing things, having visions. At first I was having trouble discerning what was mine and what was someone else’s ‘stuff’. It was immensely frustrating as I didn’t have anyone to guide me or ask questions!

Develop your psychic abilities with Reiki

Much of what I learnt about my intuition and psychic abilities has been self-taught. This is through reading a ton of books, through lived experience, and making mistakes. At times when I’ve been really stuck, I pray to God/Spirit for help, and the answers always come in! Reiki absolutely helped me open up my psychic abilities. We all have this ability, as we are all spiritual beings and all connected to the greater Universe. However, it takes practice, dedication and a deep understanding to really know how to unpack what you’re seeing and downloading.

Reiki Training Melbourne

During my Reiki Courses, I share a lot about psychic abilities, visions, reading your own and other people’s energy fields. There are no silly or embarrassing questions, these Reiki Courses are open to everyone and all experiences! You also don’t have to be intuitive or psychic to do Reiki Level 1 or learn Reiki. You’ll find your psychic abilities will naturally develop with Reiki over time. Mine certainly did. I practice self-Reiki and meditate daily, and my psychic abilities have grown rapidly.

Other ways Reiki can help develop your psychic abilities

Having regular Reiki treatments, either distant or in person, learning Reiki, and practicing self-Reiki can all help you to further develop your psychic gifts. Like anything, it takes time and practice. I also run Reiki Healer Community Circles every second month. These Reiki classes in Melbourne are a fantastic way of practicing Reiki on others, and asking any psychic or spiritual questions you might have. No topic is too weird, too random, or too wacky! I never had this kind of spiritual support when I was learning Reiki, so I made it my mission to support people as they go through their own Reiki and spiritual experiences.

You always have support!

I’ve been through so many challenging times with Reiki and spirituality. It’s hard because I deal with the unseen world. It’s intangible, and not everyone has developed their gifts enough to see, hear, taste, smell, know and channel these other beings. That makes the pool of people to talk to about these types of things very small! In addition there is always energetic resistance to levelling up, making it even harder at times. However, know there IS always support here for you, and you’re not alone.

Learn more about Reiki and your intuitive gifts

If you would like to learn more about Reiki and interested in learning Reiki Level 1, read more and book here. If you have questions about Reiki, energy, spirituality or anything else, contact me here. To book in for a Reiki healing, click here. I look forward to meeting you!

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