Energy protection is key!

By Casey Cheah, 13 May 2022

Energy protection is key!

Energy protection is key, and cannot be underestimated! As a Reiki healer, it is imperative that you protect your energy from any unwanted or negative energies.

Reiki opens our energy channels

Whenever we give a Reiki healing, we are opening our channels to Reiki energy. Reiki then flows through us to the client when we place our hands either on, or hover above the clients body. Reiki does protect us and is of the highest vibration, however the more we channel energy and the more Reiki healings we give, the more open we become to ALL energy. Not all energy is positive, and we must be aware that if we leave ourselves open and exposed, we are essentially leaving our doors and windows open for any kind of energy to potentially come through.

When are we at risk?

We are most at risk whenever we are sick, tired, burnt out, stressed or overwhelmed. These states lower our vibration, and leave us more vulnerable to unwanted or negative energies or entities. In addition, as a Reiki healer, the more we channel Reiki energy, the more open our energy channels become. If we combine open energy channels along with stress and overwhelm for example, we then have a perfect storm for a negative energetic attachment to occur.

Not all energy is positive

Reiki is a heart-centred practice. When we channel Reiki energy, we are channelling energy that is of the highest vibration (aka ‘positive’) that comes from Source/God/Goddess/Light/Unconditional Love. However, there are also energies that are of low vibration or ‘negative’ energies. These negative energies can wreak havoc on our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state, as well as life in general. Just as Reiki has the power to lift your vibration and shift your life into a more positive direction, negative energies or entities have the power to do the opposite.

Signs of a negative attachment or psychic attack

When a negative or unwanted energy attaches to us, it can feel pretty awful! Some signs that you have a negative attachment or a psychic attack can include feeling off, feeling drained, and having lots of self-doubt and negative self talk. You might start experiencing anxiety or have panic attacks. Seemingly random negative or dark thoughts might come out of nowhere, and you might experience feelings of jealousy or frustration. You just might not feel like your normal Self. You could also have physical symptoms, such as feeling sick or nauseous, headaches, aches and pains, fever, and not sleeping well. Nightmares or scary dreams can also occur, and you might suddenly find a lot of things going ‘wrong’ in your life all at once.

How to protect yourself!

Energy protection is key, and there are many ways in which you can protect yourself. Firstly, keep your vibration and energy as high as possible through regular Reiki or energy healing! This is the best way you can rebalance, harmonise your body, and come back to centre. Lots of self care such as meditation, self-Reiki, baths with Epsom salts, and showers after giving Reiki to rinse off energy can help. You can also be conscious in setting protection and safety intentions before each Reiki session. Using sage or palo santos in your Reiki room and on yourself can also help to clear your energy. Ensure you eat nourishing food, and drink plenty of water or herbal tea. And finally, avoiding alcohol and drugs go a long way in protecting and keeping your energy high vibe.

Book in for Reiki here!

If you have any questions about energy protection, negative energies or psychic attacks, please don’t hesitate to contact here. If you’ve had a negative attachment or a psychic attack, I recommend booking in for a Reiki treatment immediately! You can book in for a Reiki + Coach session here, or a pure Reiki Healing session here.

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