Full Moon Ceremony

By Casey Cheah, 7 August 2023

Full Moon Ceremony

Full Moon Ceremony

A full moon is known as a time of ‘release and replace’. It’s the perfect time to release all that no longer serves you, whether that be old beliefs, material possessions, or outdated ways of doing things. When we release or let go of something (or someone!), it’s also a good idea to replace those things you are letting go of with new ideas, beliefs, self-care rituals and habits. In order to help with this process, you might like to join us on our next Full Moon Ceremony to help guide you through this transformational process!

Full Moon amplifies energy!

Everything is energy, and the moon is a powerful energetic force! At the time of a full moon, the moon’s energy is at its peak. This peak energy tends to amplify everything, including emotions, our own personal energy, and our ability to manifest our desires! It is a great time to reflect on where you are, what is no longer serving you, and what you would like to call in for your future. The full moon can cause a lot of energy to move and shift, and it can impact your sleep, relationships, and ability to focus. The moon is also known as lunar energy, which relates to our subconscious or unconscious thoughts and desires, and also our shadow side. This can mean that the full moon will shed light on all those uncurrent emotions that might be bubbling under the surface, bringing them up to be cleared and released.

Surrender and let go

The time around the full moon can be uncomfortable at times! It is best to surrender and allow yourself to sit with whatever comes up for you. It’s also a time to be kind to yourself and others, and remember that everyone is going to be going through their own individual journey. It could be tempting to react or lash out, but keep gently reminding yourself that this is a time to be still, to meditate, journal and reflect on your Self, and how and what this full moon energy is bringing up for you personally.

Open discussion and questions

During our Full Moon Ceremony, there will be plenty of time to discuss what you would like to let go of and why. Maybe there is a particular way of being that is no longer serving you. Perhaps there are relationships or people that you would like to let go of. It could be certain beliefs or ideas or thoughts about yourself or others that are holding you back, and you would like to replace them with something more positive and aligned to the new direction you would like to head in. During our full moon ceremony, we will write down what we would like to let go of, as well as what we would like to call in instead.

Sacred ceremonial clearing

We will then relax, ground, and meditate to call our energy back in. When we gather in a group, energy is even more amplified, so it is important for us to focus our attention and energy in the present moment. Catriona and I will perform a sacred ceremonial clearing of the space, so that we can safely go through this transformational and spiritual process together. 

Calling in Spirit

We will then call in Spirit, our ancestors, and our spiritual guides and guardians. You may experience an energetic uplift, or even connect with your spirit team, or your own personal angels, guides, loved ones, God/Goddess, higher Self, or any other spiritual being that you have a connection with. If you don’t have any connection with Spirit, don’t worry! Perhaps this full moon ceremony is about finding a deeper connection with yourself. That in itself is special and unique to you, and an amazing way of showing yourself self-love. If you have a religious belief or faith, that is wonderful too. This full moon ceremony is open and welcome to all, and we allow for all religions, faiths, beliefs, and spiritual/non-spiritual people alike.

Magical group Reiki healing

Catriona and I will then perform a magical group Reiki healing. Reiki is a way of shifting and raising your vibration and frequency! Everything and everyone is energy, and when we raise vibration, the energy within us changes frequency, and therefore the frequency of energy that we put out into the Universe changes too. You’ll find that with an energy healing such as Reiki, you can more easily tap into your intuition, let go of what is no longer in energetic alignment, and manifest more quickly and easily that which you desire. 

What to expect during Reiki

During the group Reiki healing, you might feel particular physical sensations such as tingling, heat or cold, or energy shifting and moving in your body. You might also see colours, images, or have random memories pop to the surface. Some people might fall asleep, while others travel on their own unique journey! Every Reiki healing is different for each pereson, and it can be very interesting to see what arises during Reiki on a full moon! 

Using crystals at full moon

When you attend a full moon ceremony with Melbourne Reiki & Wellness, we will also provide you with a crystal to use during the ceremony, which you can then take home with you afterwards. We will explain what the crystal is, how to use it, and what its properties are. Crystals are amazing tools for manifesting, charging up your energy, clearing your energetic field, and for comfort too. Of course, if crystals are not your thing, don’t worry! You don’t have to use it if it doesn’t feel right for you. On the flip side, if you have your own crystals you would like to bring along, please do! The full moon is a great time to recharge your crystals and we can show you how to do this at our Full Moon Ceremony.

Connect with other like minded souls

Tea and nibbles are provided, and plenty of time for discussion and questions at the end. You’ll meet like minded people who are also interested in the same spiritual, energetic and manifesting topics as you are! The full moon ceremony really is a beautiful way to connect with other souls who are on a similar journey as you are. 

Book in for Reiki

Spots are limited, so make sure you book in advance to reserve your spot! To read more about our next Full Moon Ceremony, read here. You can also read more about Reiki + Coaching sessions (perfect if you are working through a particular change or shift in your life), or pure Reiki healing sessions (great for cleansing your energy and raising your vibe!). If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me here! I look forward to seeing you at our next Full Moon Ceremony in September!

Full Moon Ceremony

Date: Friday 29th September 2023

Time: 6.30-8.00pm

Location: Caulfield South Community House, 450 Kooyong Road, Caulfield South

Read more: Details and book here.

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