Know yourself protect yourself
Know yourself protect yourself. When we think about protecting our energy, we often think about protecting ourselves from outside negative influences. Of course, external negative energies definitely exist! These energies can come from other people, for example, others gossiping about you, or dumping their emotions onto you. They can come from places, for example other people’s houses, workplaces, or public spaces. Negative influences can be spiritual too! Understanding the basics of how to protect your energy can be very helpful against these outside forces.
Discern what is yours
However, in order to protect your energy, first you must know your energy! Being able to discern what is yours from what is not yours is key. Sometimes you might feel angry or frustrated for example, but this emotion might not be yours. You might have picked up on it from someone else unknowingly. Without clearing it, it’s now merged with your energy and can negatively influence you. Understanding your own energy deeply, and building this connection with yourrelf is vital when learning how to protect your energy.
4 Aspects of Being
Know yourself protect yourself. In order to know yourself, it’s important to understand all aspects of yourself. You can start with the 4 aspects of being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
- Physical
Firstly, understanding your physical body. Understanding what your body needs, which foods raise your vibration and which foods deplete you. Drinking enough water, and getting quality sleep and rest. Deep breathing and moving your body to shift stagnant energy are all important aspects in knowing and understanding your physical energy.
- Emotional
Secondly, understanding your emotions. Know the things that raise your emotional energy, like spending time with family and quality friends. It’s just as important to know the people that drain your energy and deplete you. When you are tired, you may also be more emotional. Looking after your physical energy as well as making conscious choices about the people you spend time with can help with your emotional energy too.
- Mental
Thirdly, your mental energy is vital to take care of. Where your focus goes is where your energy flows, to the exclusion of everything else. If you focus on negative things, you will naturally attract more of that into your life. If you focus on all the things you feel grateful for, you will attract more of those things to you. How you think affects how you feel, which flows into your physical energy and behaviours too.
- Spiritual
Lastly, understanding your spiritual energy is just as important as the other more tangible elements that make up your being. Meditation, self-Reiki, prayers, breathwork, and other spiritual and energetic practices can all help you to get to know your spiritual energy. Connecting with your higher power, whether that is God, Buddha, the Universe, or anything else. Perhaps it’s simply connecting with your Higher Self. Without knowing yourself, how can you protect yourself?
The Shadow Self
One aspect of Self that isn’t often talked about in terms of protecting your energy is your Shadow Self. Your shadow self are the aspects of you, the thoughts, feelings, urges, and behaviours, that have been fragmented. Every single person has experienced this at some point, it’s part of what makes us human. Fragmentation occurs mainly from fear. Those aspects are then pushed down, ignored, denied, or repressed. We do this to protect ourselves. However, those aspects of us that we have suppressed, create our shadows. These shadows can then also create negative attachments, psychic attacks and other negative ‘spiritual influences’. Everything is energy. Often what we are trying to protect ourselves from is actually the scary or repressed aspects of ourselves.
Protect Your Energy Workshop!
Want to know more? I recently ran a ‘Protect Your Energy’ workshop in person that was fully booked out! It was so popular that I’ve decided to create more content on this…so watch this space!
Reiki healing can help
In the meantime, if you’d like support in understanding these concepts, book in for a Reiki + Coaching session here. You can also book in for a pure Reiki healing or Tarot + Reiki healing here. If you’d like to learn more about Reiki and how Reiki healing can help you cleanse and protect your energy, check out our Reiki Courses here! Any questions, feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you soon!