Making Decisions With Intuition

By Casey Cheah, 31 January 2025

Making Decisions With Intuition

Making decisions with intuition

Making decisions with intuition can ensure your decisions are in alignment with your Higher Self, and not based on fear. Using our intuition to guide us through life is a powerful practice, and once you know how to do it, it can change the way you do everything!

What is intuition?

Intuition is the inner knowing or inner truth that comes to you when you are tuned in with your higher self. Intuition and instinct are often confused with each other, but they are a little different. Instinct is like a primal antennae that sits in the gut that can alert us to subtle shifts or changes in energy around us. Intuition is more of a top-down flow of knowledge or information that comes in from your higher power. 

Intuition can get blocked

Everyone has access to their intuition, however intuition can get easily blocked. If you are too much in your logical mind, rationalising and writing pro/con lists for your decisions, this blocks the flow of energy. As human beings with an Ego-mind, it’s easy to get stuck in the logical, and try to think our way through every decision. However, sometimes what is required is to take a step back from the logical, and expand and open your mind to untapped possibility and potential. Intuition is most easily accessed when you are in your most relaxed state of mind. 

Intuition comes when relaxed

Have you ever wondered why your best ideas and inspiration often flow when you least expect it? It’s often when you’re in the shower, on the toilet, walking in nature, or cleaning the house. These are times when your mind is often more empty, not focusing on anything in particular and just allowing thoughts to flow through. Intuition and inspiration come through the same channel, but they require an open and expanded mind to receive them.

Intuition vs Fear

Intuition and fear often get confused with each other too. Sometimes we might get an intuitive idea, but it’s very quickly followed by feelings of fear. According to the dictionary, intuition is ‘the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning’. Intuition is the knowing that something just IS, and is often followed by a feeling of ‘this feels right in my body’. The body might not like the intuitive insight, but it still feels affirming and true. 

Fear is heavy

Fear, on the other hand, is ‘an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat’. Where intuition is usually calming due to the inner knowing of truth, fear is usually negative. Fear is heavy, can cause anxiety, knots in the gut, and can put your mind in overdrive due to uncertainty. It often causes a stress response in the body, and feels tight, tense and restricted.

Making decisions using intuition

When making decisions, it can be very helpful to tune into your intuition. Of course it’s important to think through the consequences of each probable outcome, and to use some logical thinking. But if you find yourself running through the options in your mind over and over, and can’t seem to find a solution, this is a good time to let go of conscious thinking and listen to your body and intuition.

Steps to making decisions with intuition:

1. Pose the question to Spirit

First, ask Spirit your question! Talk to your higher power in the same way you would talk to your mentor. Ask the question in clear language. For example, ‘Infinite Spirit, reveal to me the way. Give me a clear sign or direction as to which option to take. I’m thinking about this option, or this option. Please help me, and reveal to me the way!’

2. Do something else

Now is the hard part! The best thing to do is let it go. Do something else, clean the house, go for a walk, talk to a friend on the phone, do something, anything else to take your mind off things. If you can do something creative that will activate a different part of your brain and get you out of the logical rational thinking mind. 

3. Listen to the answer

Spirit always delivers! The answer will come in, so be open to it. Please note, the answer may not be what you want you want to hear. Release expectations and timeframes, and be open to all possibilities. When you are not blocking the answer, and are open to listening, energy can flow and your intuition will be more active. 

4. Check in with your body

Lastly, check in with your body. Intuition feels like truth, whereas fear feels tight, constricted and uncertain. Don’t force it, simply close your eyes, breathe and relax, then ask your body the question. Feel into whether it feels ‘right’, or whether it causes your body to restrict. Even if there is some fear with the intuitive answer, it will still feel like truth, and it will land in your mind, heart and soul in a different way than fear. If you don’t get an answer straight away, don’t worry! Go and do something else, and come back to it later. Repeat the steps again, until you have the answer that feels like truth to you.

Reiki helps open your intuition

Reiki helps to open your intuition massively! The more open you are to allow energy to flow, the more easily intuitive insights can drop into your mind and body. Reiki helps you relax your mind and body, and tune into your higher self. You can also Reiki the situation you are struggling with, and often the answer will come forth. Reiki also helps you strengthen your connection with the Universe/Spirit, allowing you to intuit with much more ease.

Learn Reiki to open your intuition

If you’d like to expand your intuitive capabilities and learn how to make decisions using your intuition, learning Reiki can help! The first Reiki Level 1 course is coming up on 15th and 16th March 2025. For those who have already completed Reiki Level 2, the first Seichim Reiki 1 course is on 29th & 30th March. These Reiki courses will help you open your intuition, trust yourself and your decision making capabilities, and open you up to Spirit. 

Book a Reiki healing today

If you’d like more 1:1 support, you can book in for a Reiki healing, or Reiki + Coaching session with me here. If you have any questions, contact me here. I look forward to seeing you!

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