My journey with Reiki

By Catriona Reid, 24 January 2023

My journey with Reiki

My journey with Reiki and my Reiki training through these amazing courses Casey facilitates has changed my life completely. It’s allowed me to find inner peace, self worth, and self care, and rebalance my whole way of being. The Universal energy that Reiki works with is present all around us. By tuning into this incredible energy through the attunement from a Reiki Master, it can allow for greater awareness and healing. Applying the 5 Reiki Principles has been a vital tool for me. They keep me grounded, as I expand my spirituality and raise my vibration with this beautiful Reiki energy.

The 5 Reiki Principles are, Just for today:

Let go of worry 

Let go of anger                              

Be grateful

Be kind

Work honestly

The benefits of training in Reiki:

  • It allows you to connect to universal energy and your higher self, to rebalance your body, mind and spirit. 
  • Connecting to your higher self helps strengthen your intuition. It also assists in gaining a sense of self-purpose and inner clarity that may have eluded you previously.
  • Attunements, in which a Reiki master initiates a student to Reiki energy and the practice of Reiki.
  • During a Reiki attunement your innate healing capacity is awakened. You become tuned into the Reiki energy, opening you up to an abundance of Universal energy.
  • Reiki extends to more than just yourself in its healing. It is a gift that many would count as invaluable in their lives.

Reiki Meditation

Meditation is also taught alongside Reiki in this Reiki Course (Reiki Level 1). Meditation is a way to strengthen the connection we have to Reiki energy, enhancing awareness of one’s self. Reiki meditation is a process where we can quiet our mind, which increases our perception and ability to visualize. It is also a great way of healing the mind-body.  

Once you’ve completed your Reiki Level 2 training, you also can use Reiki symbols during a Reiki meditation. Reiki symbols help by anchoring us in the present moment, creating a point of focus in the mind.

Reiki Symbols

As part of your Reiki course you will also learn Reiki symbols. Reiki symbols are very sacred, and they allow you to connect more deeply to Reiki energy. These symbols amplify energy, allowing you to focus your mind and give you intention when practicing Reiki. This provides a deeper healing during a treatment for both you and your client. The Reiki symbols all hold different energetic properties. Learning these symbols is the main difference between Reiki Level 1 and 2, as symbols are not included in Level 1.

The 3 Levels of Reiki

The different levels of Reiki Courses give us access to higher and higher vibrations. This assists us to have a clearer path to understanding and assimilating the Reiki wisdom. 

Reiki Level 1: Shoden. An Introduction into learning Reiki, its history and lineage of Reiki. What Reiki is and how it works, you also learn how to perform treatments on yourself and others.

Reiki Level 2: Okuden. This second Level of Reiki will deepen your connection to Reiki energy. You’ll learn to use 3 sacred symbols that can be applied during a Reiki treatment.

Reiki Level 3a: Master Practitioner. This training will continue to deepen your connection to Reiki energy. You will learn how to manifest with Reiki and learn a Master symbol. It will also help you consider Reiki as a professional practice.

My journey with Reiki

Reiki Courses are teachable in 3 Reiki Levels that run over 2 days each. There is a 6 month space between Reiki Level 2 and 3a, to allow for integration and practice. The most magical part of my journey with Reiki for me is the knowledge of Reiki energy, and how to channel Reiki. This lasts a lifetime.

To find out more about Reiki Level 1, Reiki Level 2, Reiki Level 3a or Reiki Mastership, you can contact us here.

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