Practice self-Reiki!

By Casey Cheah, 17 November 2022

Practice self-Reiki!

Practicing self Reiki is the key to deepening your connection not only to Reiki, but yourself too. People who are drawn to learning Reiki are usually empaths, intuitives, or sensitive to other people’s emotions and energy. As such these types of people are wonderful at caring for others, but can sometimes struggle in giving back to themselves. However, Reiki is a beautiful self healing practice that can really help nourish your inner wellbeing.

Learning self-Reiki in Reiki Level 1

In Reiki Level 1, participants learn about Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, as well as the theory behind energy healing and how it works. Participants are also attuned to Reiki energy, practice meditations, and learn how to channel Reiki to others. But one of the most important aspects of Reiki Level 1, is learning self-Reiki.

Practice self-Reiki

Self-Reiki is something that once you have been attuned to Reiki energy, you can practice anywhere at any time. There is no perfect time to practice self-Reiki! I personally like to practice self-Reiki in the morning before seeing clients, and also at night before bed. However even 5 minutes of self-Reiki in your lunch hour is a beautiful way to de-stress, calm your mind and body, and tap into your inner energy.

Tuning inwards

Practicing Reiki on yourself allows you to form a deeper connection with Reiki, and with your own innate healing capacity. Only once your mind is quiet, and you have allowed yourself the space and time to turn your attention and awareness inwards, can you really start to tune in. You might notice sensations in your hands, but you also might notice sensations or other things arising in your mind and body while practicing self-Reiki.

Reiki flows to where it’s needed

When practicing self-Reiki, you’ll feel Reiki energy flowing intuitively through your hands into your body. Although we can place our hands on various parts of our body, Reiki will always flow to where it is needed the most. It can be difficult to reach certain areas of your body when practicing self Reiki, however you might just choose to place your hands on your heart or hara/belly, and Reiki will flow to where it’s needed. You might also like to use the power of your intention when practicing self-Reiki.

Reiki works holistically

When first learning Reiki, it is a good idea to follow a system until you become more familiar and practiced with self-Reiki. After some time, you might choose to change this system up and find what works best for you. Remember Reiki also works holistically, and so will have a positive impact on all areas of your being: mind, emotions, body and energy. If you have a regular self-Reiki practice, you might also like to journal about your experiences too!

Creating a self-Reiki habit

It might take some time to develop a regular self-Reiki practice and that’s perfectly ok. One approach might be to piggy back your self-Reiki practice onto another habit that you have already created. For example, if you always have a shower in the morning, perhaps you could piggy back your self-Reiki practice onto that habit. Perhaps it’s sitting down for self-Reiki practice for 10-15min before your morning shower, or perhaps straight afterwards. If you like to exercise, you could piggy back your self-Reiki practice either before or after your exercise class. Play around with it, and find what works for you. The more you practice self-Reiki, the easier it will become, and it will also become like second nature.

Feeling disconnected from Reiki energy?

Sometimes you might feel a bit disconnected from Reiki energy. This can happen if it’s been some time since your last Reiki course, especially if you don’t practice Reiki regularly. You don’t ever need to be reattuned to Reiki energy, however if you would like to do another Reiki course to reconnect of course you are more than welcome. However the easiest way to reconnect to Reiki, is to simply book in for a Reiki healing! If this resonates with you and you’d like to come in for a Reiki treatment, you can find out more and book here.

If you have any questions about self-Reiki or learning Reiki, you can contact me here!

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