Practicing Reiki with intention

By Casey Cheah, 7 April 2021

Practicing Reiki with intention

For a Reiki practitioner, practicing Reiki with intention sends a message to energy to flow to the recipient with positive goodwill. The recipient on the receiving end of this positive goodwill and intent will have a much clearer and more joyful experience. Without intention, Reiki energy may flow, but there is no direction, and no conscious awareness behind the practice.

What is an intention?

Intention (or Sankalpa in Sanskrit), is an idea, commitment, or a feeling of determination that is formed in the heart and mind. It’s a brief statement that we say either out loud or in our mind to create a directional flow of conscious energy. The salkalpa or intention we commit to then plants a seed in our subconscious mind. Setting an intention is a tool we can use to refine our will, and to focus and harmonise our mind and body.

How do intentions actually work?

Intentions start as thoughts in our mind, which then create a feeling in our body. We are always co-creating our reality with the Universe. The Universe pays close attention to our thoughts and emotions. It will then match our internal thoughts and feelings by mirroring them in our external world. For example: if I’m caught up in low vibrational negative self talk about how fat and ugly I am, the Universe will show me examples in real life that matches my thoughts and feelings. I will meet people who tell me I’m fat and ugly. I might not fit into my clothes. I’ll have trouble finding a job because I’m not pretty enough, etc.

Setting a positive intent

However, by setting a positive intention, I can change my reality and how I see the world by shifting the vibration of my internal state. Saying an intention will anchor it in my mind, and feeling it in my heart will help change the vibration of my body. In basic terms – what you think and feel will be mirrored in your outer experience of the world. When you are intentional about your thoughts and feelings, you can consciously decide what you think and feel. You will have a more conscious experience of the world too.

Practicing Reiki with intention

When giving a Reiki treatment, it is important to set an intention at the start, in order to give direction to Reiki energy. For example, I always thank Reiki, my client, and myself for being here. I then state that this is to be a beautiful Reiki healing for my client’s highest will and good. By saying this intention clearly in my mind, I am giving direction to Reiki energy and the Universe. I’m also asking for their support in creating this experience for my client. My client will also have a greater Reiki experience, as they can feel my intention and also feel the difference in the energy healing.

Find out more

To learn more about setting intentions in Reiki healings, book in for Reiki Level 1 ‘Shoden’ here! In this course, you will learn all about energy and how it works, as well as how to set intentions when practicing Reiki.

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