Put yourself first
‘Put yourself first’ is something we hear when travelling on a plane. We must put our own oxygen mask on first, before attending to anyone else, including children. The idea is that if we are not breathing, then we are no good to anyone else! The same is true when working as a Reiki healer. If you don’t put yourself first, you risk burning out, people pleasing, becoming resentful, and not enjoying your work anymore. This in turn negatively affects your Reiki healing capabilities, and capacity to hold space for others.
I am my non-negotiable
As a professional Reiki healer in Melbourne, I’ve learnt that it is absolutely a non-negotiable to put myself first. I have dropped my old people pleasing tendencies that told me that I needed to be available for every single client, all day, all week long. I have dropped trying to squeeze as many clients into my day as I possibly could, due to wanting to help as many people as possible. I’ve dropped the martyr ego archetype, and realised it’s not my job to save the world. I do my absolute very best, but not at the expense of my own health and wellbeing.
Listening to my intuition is key
Instead, I’ve learned to really listen and pay attention to my body and what she needs. I’ve learned what my maximum number of clients is in a day, and how many days of work feels comfortable for me. These numbers may change, depending on how I’m feeling and what else is going on in my life at that point. I have no hesitation in canceling clients if I’m not well, and I maintain strong boundaries. However, I also refuse to make unbreakable rules, and instead remain flexible. My intuition and my body are my best guides when making decisions.
The Universe has your back
I’ve had confirmation time and time again spiritually that I’m doing exactly what I’m meant to be doing. I absolutely love Reiki, and I love sharing this wonderful modality with the world! Because I’m doing what I love, I fully trust in my abilities and I have faith in the Universe, I’m always supported financially. I’ve never felt a lack of clients, and believe in financial abundance, which the Universe provides to me. I’m of the belief that you can make money doing literally anything! As long as you are passionate and truly believe in your work, you will naturally put in the energy required. The Universe always gives back what you put in.
Reiki mentoring to clear limitations
If you are a Reiki healer and struggling to attract clients, book in for a Reiki Mentoring session. If you don’t believe it’s possible to be financially supported in this profession, book in for a Reiki + Coaching session. When you are blocked in your energy, or are harbouring limiting beliefs around self-worth, financial abundance, or imposter syndrome, take responsibility and seek help in clearing them.
Priorities and values
At times, the choice to put yourself first can be a bit more tricky! You will need to have a solid set of values to guide you through life. If your social life is more important than your work, then work will always come second. However the reverse is also true – if you value your work over everything else, life will still be out of balance. Spend the time working out your values, and create a life based around that. Often we don’t realise that what we think we value, and what we actually value are two different things. To find out what you are currently valuing in your life, look at the things you spend the most about of time, energy and money on. They will be the things you value the most.
Put yourself first
Being in service to others requires me to be in tiptop shape. Of course, this is not always going to be the case! My health has definitely taken a few turns over the years, and I’ve suffered some pretty bad illnesses and dis-eases. However, I learn from every experience, and refuse to let them get me down. I make adjustments when needed, see less clients, and continue to invest in myself. It always pays off in the end.
Seek support when needed
If you feel like you need some support in learning how to put yourself first, book in for a Reiki + Coaching session! ‘Put yourself first’ is not selfish, it’s vitally important. The healthier, more energised and cleared you are in your mind, the more clients you will be able to serve. You’ll be in much better shape to work, as well as enjoy the pleasures that life has to offer!