Reiki healing for Empaths

By Casey Cheah, 28 February 2022

Reiki healing for Empaths

Reiki healing for empaths

So many clients come to me experiencing energetic overwhelm, and struggle to protect themselves from negative energy from others. If you easily feel others’ emotions and energy, often struggle to maintain boundaries, and need time on your own to rebalance, chances are you’re an empath.

What is an Empath?

According to Dr Judith Orloff, MD, around 20% of the population are empaths, or highly sensitive people (HSP), although the degree of sensitivity can vary. An empath is someone who has an extremely sensitive neurological system, and are highly attuned to the energy and emotions of others. Empaths feel everything another person is feeling, often to the extreme. As a result, empaths are often emotionally and energetically prone to exhaustion and overwhelm, if boundaries and their own energy field are not maintained.

Am I an empath?

As an empath myself, I can understand (and empathise!) with those of you who are also highly sensitive. Often growing up, empaths are told we are ‘overly sensitive’, or to ‘stop crying and get on with things’. When I was growing up, I cried at everything! I had a deep love of animals, which eventually led me to becoming vegetarian for 12 years. I cried at TV shows, struggled with setting boundaries, and absorbed people’s energy very easily. Even now, I still very much need time on my own to rebalance and calm my nervous system. I dislike big crowds and loud noises, as they are too overwhelming. I love living on my own in the peace and quiet, and I have Reiki every week so as to keep my energy clean and balanced.

People pleasing

If this sounds familiar, you are not alone! Empaths can also often be people pleasers too. Since we feel others emotions so strongly, it physically and emotionally hurts us to see others in pain, so we often go over and beyond to help. Empaths feel first, and think second. We have a low threshold for stimulation, often have a strong sensitivity to light, noise, and smell.  We also crave time in nature to ground and be at peace.

Benefits of being an empath

Although it sounds as if being an empath is hard work (and it definitely can be!), there are also so many benefits! We can read a room very easily, and read people’s emotions just as well, often without even knowing the person. We are highly intuitive, and can connect on a deep level to others, which leads to others feeling safe and connected in our presence. Empaths often make wonderful teachers, healers, psychologists, nurses, and any other profession that involves taking care of others.

Empaths make great Reiki healers

If you are an empath, you are highly sensitive to energy, which makes Reiki very powerful for you! If you find yourself easily absorbing emotions of others, and noticing how much your mood, mind and emotions get affected, I would highly recommend getting regular Reiki healings. Once I started getting regular weekly Reiki healings, I felt amazing! My energy was clean, and I could let go of other’s emotions more easily. I’m also far stronger at setting clear boundaries, and my people pleasing tendencies are far less.

Book in for a Reiki healing

If you are an empath and thinking about learning Reiki, I would encourage you to try it! As an empath, you will make a fabulous Reiki practitioner! You will be able to pick up on your clients needs and imbalances with ease, and be able to use your super power sensitivity to heal.

Learn Reiki healing in Melbourne

If you are interested in booking in for a Reiki healing, you can do so here. If you are interested in learning Reiki, start with Reiki Level 1 here. As you go through the Reiki levels, you will become more and more attuned to Reiki, and become much stronger at energetic and emotional boundaries. Reiki helps to protect your energy, and ensure you are only attracting high quality energetic people into your space. If you have any questions about being an empath, contact me here.

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