Strengthening your intuition

By Casey Cheah, 25 September 2022

Strengthening your intuition

Strengthening your intuition is something that anyone can do! We often hear of people who have natural psychic abilities, or who are naturally intuitive. However, know that this superpower is something we ALL have access to! It’s just a matter of practice.

Intuition is a sixth sense

Intuition is our sixth sense and is something we are all born with. It is true that some people are naturally born with more intuitive or psychic than others. However, this doesn’t mean that it is a superpower or skill that is only for those naturally gifted! This is a skill, like any other skill, that can get stronger and more fine-tuned the more you practice.

Step outside our limited perspective

Psychic power is the ability to step outside of our limited perspective and experience, into a higher perspective. It’s an ability to let go of what we think and know, and open our minds up to unlimited possibility. It is something that we can develop. Just like we build muscular strength in the gym, we can also build our intuitive muscle. It can take some time and trust, and we must practice these skills often, through practices such as meditation and Reiki.

Intuition is available to everyone

Currently most people’s intuition is like an under-developed muscle. It’s rarely used, and when we do get an intuitive hit, we often ignore it. Intuition is subtle, like a faint whisper, and it takes a lot of trust and fine-tuning to listen carefully, and trust it.

How does intuition work?

There are some basic rules we need to understand. Firstly, everything is energy. Every thought, every emotion, even inanimate objects are energy. Secondly, energy is always moving, or vibrating at a frequency. Lastly, there is no such thing as time (as we know it). Time is a human construct that we have developed to calm our ego, which is all about safety, survival, and attachment. Our ego needs to know, to reassure us that we are safe. However, the truth is that everything is happening NOW. When someone who has fine-tuned their psychic abilities taps into their intuition, they are simply picking up on vibrations of energy. This can occur through thought, sound, taste, vision, feeling, and simply knowing. They can also tap into potential possibilities from past, present, and future, which are all happening…now.

Strengthening your intuition

When someone is first starting to consciously train themselves to strengthen their intuition, the first thing is to simply open the mind to possibility. The moment you question your intuitive hits, is the moment it goes away. Intuition is not logical, because it is not a mental process. Intuition comes from the soul. When we intuit something, we are tapping into life’s universal consciousness, or the field, and we then interpret those intuitive readings through the filter of our mind. The more we practice, the more adept we get at listening to our intuition, and the stronger it gets.

Potential possibilities

One thing to remember is that no-one can predict the future. Psychics can share a potential possibility, but since everyone has free will, there is no way of predicting exactly what someone will do or a potential outcome to a situation. We all have choice, and we are all equal co-creators of our reality with the Universe.

I was not born a psychic!

Growing up, I was definitely an empath, but I was not a natural ‘psychic’. Whilst I was highly sensitive to other people’s energy and emotions, I wasn’t aware of what that really meant, and was simply told that I was ‘sensitive’, a ‘worrier’, and ‘emotional’. It was only much, much later that I even knew what an empath was, and how I could harness those powers in a positive way. I did have intuitive moments, as well as many reoccurring dreams, and experienced déjà vu regularly, but I didn’t understand what all of these things meant.

Reiki helps to build intuition

Now as a Reiki Master who practices Reiki on others full time, as well as teaching Reiki to others, my intuition and psychic abilities are very strong. I meditate and practice self-Reiki daily, as well as spend a lot of my free time reading, learning, and practicing in the field of spirituality, energy, intuition, Reiki, yoga, and more. Most of my days are spent in a meditative state, tuning into the fine frequencies that make up this incredible Universe. I am now able to channel spirits, read people’s energy, and tune into all kinds of beings from this Universe. However, these skills were practiced and trained over time, and like anything, the more you do something the better you get at it!

Strengthen your intuition by learning Reiki

If you are interested in learning more about intuition, energy, and Reiki, I would recommend booking into a Reiki Level 1 course. Reiki Level 1 ‘Shoden’ will teach you more about what energy is and how it works, how you can start to enhance your intuition. You will also become attuned to Reiki energy, and learn how to practice meditation and self-Reiki, as well as Reiki others. To find out more about Reiki Level 1 and upcoming dates for courses, click here. If you have any questions, please contact me here!

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