The 5 Pillars of Reiki

By Casey Cheah, 6 December 2022

The 5 Pillars of Reiki

There are 5 Pillars of Reiki in the Usui System of Natural Healing, developed by Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki. It’s easy to think of Reiki healing as just the hands on healing treatments that are most commonly known. However, this is just one element that makes up the practice of Reiki.

The 5 Pillars of Reiki

There are actually 5 elements, or Pillars of Reiki, that make up the Usui System of Natural Healing (which is my Reiki lineage). These pillars of Reiki are:

  • Reiki Life Principles (or Precepts)
  • Meditation
  • Hands on treatments
  • Symbols
  • Attunements

What is Reiki healing?

Reiki healing has been deliberately kept as a simple and accessible healing practice that is open to anyone to learn. Reiki healing is a way of channeling Reiki energy through you into someone else (or yourself). Yes, you can practice Reiki on yourself, otherwise known as self-Reiki! A good thing to remember when practicing Reiki, is that the healer is not actually doing the healing per se. Rather, the healer is simply a channel for Reiki energy to flow through to the client. The Reiki energy is the real magic in any Reiki treatment!

Reiki Level 1: Shoden

The Reiki Pillars are taught throughout each of the Reiki Levels in stages. If you’re thinking about learning Reiki, you would start with doing Reiki Level 1, usually held over a weekend (2 days). During a Reiki Level 1 ‘Shoden’ course, students are attuned to Reiki energy for the first time. This is a special and sacred ritual, where the Reiki Master would open students’ energy channels, and attune them to Reiki. Students would also learn the 5 Reiki Principles (also called Reiki Precepts), which guide Reiki students in their way of life. Students will also be taught specific meditations to help them with their Reiki practice. The Reiki Master will also teach students how to practice Reiki on both themselves and others (hands on healing).

Reiki Level 2: Okuden

Once a student has mastered Reiki Level 1, they can then do Reiki Level 2 ‘Okuden’. Reiki Level 2 courses are also over a weekend, and require at least 3 months between Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2. The Reiki Master Teacher will again attune students to Reiki in Level 2, and also pass down 3 sacred symbols. The Reiki Master will teach students what the symbols are, their energy, and how to use them. Students will also learn more Reiki meditations, and continue to deepen their connection to Reiki energy. There is also lots of hands on practice, so students can continue to learn how to give (and receive) Reiki treatments.

Reiki Level 3a: Reiki Master Practitioner

In Reiki Level 3a ‘Reiki Master Practitioner’, students will learn the final Usui Master Symbol. They will also receive the Reiki Master attunement, and continue to give and receive hands on Reiki healings. Reiki Masters will also continue to remind students of the 5 Reiki Principles, as well as the other 3 symbols taught in Reiki Level 2.

Enjoy the journey!

The journey to become a Reiki practitioner is exciting for students, and as they become more experienced and knowledgeable about Reiki, it can be tempting to rush to do all the Reiki levels! However, it is advisable to take your time, and really enjoy the journey and all the learnings along the way. Reiki healing is an experiential practice, and cannot be learnt from a textbook. Reiki is a lineage, meaning the practice is passed down from Reiki Master Teacher, to Reiki student. It’s a sacred and special tradition, and needs to be honoured as such.

Reiki Mastership

Take your time, practice a lot, and enjoy all the lessons and learnings as you undertake each Reiki Level! If you decide you would like to take it further, then you can also apply for the Reiki Mastership with me. This is a 12 month Reiki mentorship, conducted 1:1 in person. This decision is not one to be taken lightly! It will require a deep dive into energy healing, but you will also learn a lot about yourself, and they type of Reiki healer you want to become.

Book in for Reiki!

If you have any questions about any of these Reiki Courses, you can contact me here. In the meantime, I would encourage you to keep booking in for regular Reiki healings, to keep your energy clear and to continue to build your connection with Reiki! If you would like to book in for a Reiki healing treatment, you can do so here.

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