The answers lie within us, yet we so often go searching for answers outside of ourselves.
The art of self-reflection gives us time and space to understand ourselves on a deeper level. Rather than rushing through life, take a moment to slow down, take a deep breath, and ask yourself some valuable questions.
Why so annoyed?
Last week I was in the supermarket self check-out, about to pay for groceries. The cashier came up and asked if I had paid for the celery (I had). My first reaction was to become annoyed. Why would I want to steal celery? At 7am, in my yoga clothes, straight after class? How dare she insinuate that I hadn’t paid?
Therein lies the answers
On the car ride home, I took a breath, and realised the annoyance and anger were MY emotions. Where did they come from? Why did I care so much what this random lady thought or insinuated? Upon self-reflection, I realised that because I pride myself on living an honest and truthful life (Reiki Principle: Just for today, be honest), when someone questioned my intentions, I took it personally. However, in reality, the cashier was just asking a simple question. I was the one who assumed she knew I was a truthful yoga teacher and Reiki Master, who would never steal food!
Let it go
When I arrived home (after my green celery juice!), I sat down and did a meditation. In the meditation, I sent this lady love. I chose to let go of the annoyance and anger, and instead come from a place of ease and peace. It felt a lot nicer in my mind and body once I had let go, and released that emotion.
The power of self reflection
It would have been very easy to continue to be annoyed, to tell my friends about the ‘annoying cashier at the supermarket’, and to gossip and spread negative energy throughout my day. However, the act of self-reflection gave me the opportunity to release that emotion, and come back into a state of harmony once more. Instead of become a ball of pent up anger, I was able to open my heart and carry on with my day in a state of joy instead.
When things go wrong
We often seek the truth outside of ourselves. When things go ‘wrong’ or we are suffering in some way, we quickly ask our friends and family, our doctors, therapists, and healers for answers. We gossip and spread negative energy when we don’t understand why we feel so miserable.
The answers lie within
Next time you feel out of balance, try taking some time to practice self-reflection. Ask yourself WHY you feel the way you do. What led you to this point? Close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and focus on your inner knowing. Be still, and allow the answers to gently rise up within you. You might be surprised at what comes up!
Reiki healing connects you more deeply to yourself
If you would like to learn more about connecting more deeply to your inner wisdom, Reiki can help. When learning Reiki, you will become more spiritually attuned, and your energy more sensitive. You will learn to develop your intuition, and to listen to it more carefully. In addition, you will also learn how to practice self-Reiki and learn Reiki meditations, both of which can help you develop self-reflection.
Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Share workshops
The next Reiki Level 1 Course ‘Shoden’ is coming up on 16th and 17th July 2022. In addition, there are Reiki Share workshops every second month, so you have the opportunity to practice Reiki, and ask questions. You will also be guided in meditation at the start and finish of each workshop. To learn more about Reiki Level 1, click here. To learn more about Reiki Share workshops, click here. If you have any questions about Reiki, connecting more deeply to your intuition, or self-reflection, you can contact me here.