The Reiki Principles

By Casey Cheah, 17 August 2021

The Reiki Principles

Mikao Usui, founder of Reiki, developed the 5 Reiki Principles to help us live a more content and happier life. These Reiki Principles are part of the 5 Pillars of Reiki, which you will learn in Reiki Level 1. They include the Reiki Principles, meditation, hands on Reiki treatments, the Reiki symbols, and Reiki attunements.

1. Just for today, let go of anger

Anger can arise when something isn’t going the way we hoped or expected, or when a boundary has been crossed. The emotion of anger is also a protector of other raw emotions, such as hurt, embarrassment, and vulnerability. However, all emotions are energy-in-motion. If we can take a step back, we can allow the energy to flow through us, rather than working out our anger on something or someone else. The key to letting go of anger? Deep breathing, meditation, Reiki, exercising, and remembering to just for today, let go of anger.

2. Just for today, let go of worry

When we worry, we tend to pull ourselves out of the present moment, and project our fears into the future. Worrying about things that may or may not happen is futile, and drains our vital energy. Worry causes stress, tension, and anxiety, which lowers our immune system. We can then become more susceptible to illness and disease. One way to release worry is to place your hands on your heart and belly, and breathe deeply. Feel your body rising and falling with your breath. Doing this, you can start to bring yourself back into this present moment, and just for today, let go of worry.

3. Just for today, be kind

This Principle is about showing kindness towards yourself, others, and the world around you. When we are kind and compassionate, our hearts are open, and we can lift others into a higher vibration. This also helps to keep ourselves in a high vibe state. It’s important to talk to others with kindness, and treat others the way we would like to be treated. It is also important to treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. By doing this, you will be showing yourself the kindness that is needed to keep your mind and heart in a positive and loving space.

4. Just for today, be grateful

When we express gratitude, we open our hearts and active universal loving energy. Whatever we give thanks to in our life will expand and grow bigger, and this will continue to reflect positively in our life. Gratitude is about having an abundant mindset, where there is plenty of love to go around. Loving energy is infinite, and in fact grows bigger the more we show others kindness and gratitude. Try writing down 5 things you feel grateful for each day, and notice any changes that result!

5. Just for today, work honestly

Working with honesty, integrity and diligence is key to staying in alignment with your true Self. Everything is an energy exchange, and creates an energetic ripple effect. The moment we are not truthful, or not respectful to the people we work with, this energy will be magnified and amplified in our own life. Being truthful and honest at work is also being truthful to yourself. The more we can practice honesty, the easier it becomes. If there is a difficult decision to be made, listen inwards to your intuition. It will always guide you in the right direction.


These 5 Reiki Principles take practice! Sometimes when I practice meditation or self-Reiki, I will recite these Principles in my mind. I’ll then pick one Principle that resonates with me, and notice how it brings about a greater sense of peace, joy and contentment throughout the day.

You will need to find what works for you! Whether you practice the Reiki Principles first thing in the morning, or reflect on them before you go to bed, they can help us anytime we are struggling, stressed or out of balance.

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