Under psychic attack? Do this!

By Casey Cheah, 14 July 2024

Under psychic attack? Do this!

Under psychic attack? Do this!

Under psychic attack? Do this first. Check in to see if what you’re thinking and feeling is actually yours, or if it’s coming from somewhere else. Psychic attacks can come from our own internal mind, but they can most definitely come from outside sources too. Psychic attacks are not fun, they mess with our minds, and cause us to feel all sorts of emotions. At worst, we can feel like we’re going crazy! However, they are way more common than what you might think. We just need to recognise them for what they are, and know what to do when they occur.

Take your power back!

Once you recognise where the energy is coming from, you can do something about it! If you notice that it’s yourself, you can take steps to release thought patterns and negative energy. You can also take action to raise your vibration! It helps to know where the access point to your own psychic attack is coming from. Most of the time it’s fear.

What is the fear?

This fear could be buried in your subconscious mind, or it could be a conscious source of fear. It could be imposter syndrome, not feeling good enough, worthy enough, or smart enough. It could be a fear of getting sick, a fear of being alone, a fear of never finding love. Whatever the fear is, this acts like a doorway to allow your ego-mind to spiral out of control and cause an internal psychic attack. 

External sources of psychic attack

Psychic attacks can also come from an external source. These external sources could be other people, places, objects or even spirits. For example, you might walk into a room and sense heavy energy in the space. Objects or material items hold energy that can transfer to us. Spiritual attacks can occur when there is a spiritual entity that is drawn to your energy due to low vibration, being sick, or in fear mode. Negative spirits can also attach to us when we open up to the spiritual realm. This is why protecting and cleansing your energy field is vital if working with energy! 

Evil eye or ‘sliming’ from other people

Psychic attacks most commonly come from other people. They could be unintentional (someone gossiping or venting about you), or intentional (someone deliberately sending you negative energy). It can be very easy to judge others for sending you negative energy. However, pause before judgement! Remember you can also cause your own psychic attack, simply by indulging in negative thoughts in your own mind. If you are constantly thinking negatively, judging others, blaming or shaming yourself or other people, this can cause your own psychic attack to happen. You might also be unconsciously sending negative energy to others too.

How to recognise a psychic attack?

There are few common ways to recognise a psychic attack. The first is your mental chatter. If you are not normally a negative person, but suddenly you notice a barrage of negative thoughts, this could be a sign of a psychic attack. Or if you find yourself in a constant negative thought loop cycle, this could also be a psychic attack. Some common themes could be imposter syndrome, self doubt, low self confidence and self worth. You might find yourself judging everyone and everything.


Another form of psychic attack is in your dreamscape. If you have dreams that are violent, self harming, death and destruction, or even natural disasters, these are usually forms of psychic attack. If you experience nightmares or night terrors, these are also psychic attacks. Waking up panicking or sweating from a bad dream is another sign too.

Emotional symptoms 

Other ways to recognise a psychic attack is your emotional state. If you are not normally an anxious or depressed person, a sudden downslide into anxiety, depression, panic or full on freak out mode is a very common effect of a psychic attack. You might also experience a big uptick in physical pain, not able to sleep, mind racing, or feeling utterly exhausted. 

What to do when under psychic attack?

First, become aware of what is actually happening! Discern whether this energy is coming from you, or from somewhere else. If it’s a bad attack, it can be very tricky to recognise, so be patient with yourself! Just having awareness that it could be a psychic attack will already start to shift the energy. Stay consciously aware of your energy, your mind and your emotions.

Tools to clear energy

Once you are aware of what is happening, you can try saging or smudging your energy field. You can use a singing bowl, practice self-Reiki if you have been attuned, or meditate. Prayers work very well, or connecting to God or your faith in the way that works best for you. Spend time in nature, talk to friends who ground you, exercise or practice yoga or breathwork. Watch a funny movie, or read a light hearted book. Try and get out of the environment you are in and go somewhere else. If the attack is particularly bad and you feel powerless or not sure what to do, book in for a Reiki healing, or do an online Reiki session!

Personal experiences

I’ve personally experienced many psychic attacks. These have ranged from minor ‘evil eye’ being sent my way, to the worst psychic attacks imaginable. Most of the time I can clear them myself, but there have been times where I’ve needed help! When I’ve been really stuck, I’ve often done an online energy healing workshop. These workshops work every time! It allows my energy to shift so I can see a crack of light. I then self-Reiki and am able to pull myself out of it. 

Reiki healing is both light and dark

If you are an energy worker or Reiki healer, chances are you’ll be hit with psychic attacks at some point. It’s all part of the process! When we open ourselves up to the spirit realm, we are opening ourselves up to everything. When we deal with clients with lots of trauma, there is a ton of heavy energy that we are clearing. If we don’t take the time to cleanse and clear properly, it can have negative effects on our mind and energy. If you are more advanced in your energy work and deal with more intense energies and entities, protecting your energy and clearing psychic attacks is paramount.

Protect Your Energy online course

If this is resonating with you, I would highly recommend doing my online ‘Protect Your Energy’ course! You’ll learn how to discern between energies, and how to recognise attacks. You’ll learn strategies of what to do and how to do them. We go into much more detail, and you’ll come out with a ton of skills and knowledge. Awareness is king. Once you are aware, everything starts to shift! You will also learn how to stand in your power more and more.

Online pre-recorded Reiki sessions

In addition, I will be launching an online distant Reiki healing session for anxiety soon! If you are experiencing anxiety, or notice you’re in the midst of a psychic attack, this online ‘Reiki for Anxiety’ Reiki treatment will help shift your energy. Even if you are asleep on the couch, this Reiki for anxiety session will help! You will wake up feeling lighter and more like yourself again. Watch this space, it will be launching very soon!

Book in for Reiki healing here

In the meantime, if you’d like to book in for a Reiki healing, click here. To learn more about Reiki and attend a Reiki Course, click here. And as always, if you have any questions, you can contact me here. I’m always here to support you!

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