What if I’m not intuitive?

By Casey Cheah, 5 July 2022

What if I’m not intuitive?

What if I’m not intuitive?’ is a question I get asked a lot in my Reiki Courses! When you first learn Reiki, it can be a little overwhelming! There is a lot to remember, such as the hand placements, what to do and say, and setting an intention, as well as staying focused during the actual Reiki healing.

Reiki Level 1

Reiki Level 1 is an introduction to Reiki. You’ll be attuned to Reiki energy, learn the history and lineage of Reiki, as well as learn the Reiki principles. You’ll also practice Reiki on yourself and others too. During this course, you’ll learn that Reiki healing really is magic! It doesn’t matter whether you are ‘intuitive’ or not, Reiki energy will still flow, and the recipient will still receive the benefits of the healing.

Intuition is not the main event

Being intuitive is great, but it’s not the main event when giving a Reiki healing! It can be very easy to forget that Reiki is bigger than us. Reiki will always meet the recipient’s greatest need. It will always flow when the healer’s intention is pure and genuine, regardless of whether the Reiki healer is intuitive or psychic or not. I’ve had experiences where I’ve received Reiki, and the healer has proceeded to share her psychic insights afterwards. The insights did not land at all, in fact I was actually quite frustrated with the healer afterwards.  However, within a couple of days, I was in an amazing mood, I had massive amounts of energy, and I felt a huge shift in vibration. The Reiki healing itself was amazing! It was just the ‘insights’ afterwards that were not resonating with me. In saying that, I did have thoughts about whether or not I would go back and see this healer again, as the end of the session was not enjoyable for me.

Check your ego first

It is also possible that the psychic or intuitive insights could be wrong! I have definitely been inaccurate or wrong before in my reading, and this could be due to a number of factors. In addition, the recipient may not necessarily want to hear what you have to say. ‘Reading the room’ then becomes far more important than sharing your intuitive insights. Sometimes when we see, hear, or feel certain things in a Reiki session, we feel excited and want to share with our client to see if we are right or on point! We then just have to remind ourselves to check our Ego. When giving a Reiki healing, we are not giving a psychic reading (although it is possible to do both!). But first and foremost, we are simply a channel for Reiki energy to flow through us to the client for the purposes of rebalancing and healing. Anything more may or may not be a wanted addition to the session, and can actually turn clients off.

Tools to boost your intuition

Some people are born naturally more intuitive, and others may need to work a little harder on their intuitive. Tools like meditation, yoga, self-Reiki practice, seeing a Reiki healer, and doing intuition training can all help you further develop your intuition. Personally I found that my intuitive developed and got much stronger with each Reiki Course I did. Also, the more I practiced both self-Reiki as well as practicing Reiki on clients, the more intuitive I became. This is still an ongoing process, and I’m always learning as I go!

Reiki will still flow regardless!

If you are someone who is not naturally intuitive, don’t fret! You can still practice Reiki, and Reiki energy will still flow. Chances are your intuition will continue to develop over time, the more that you practice Reiki. But in the meantime, keep reminding yourself that Reiki is the magic, not the intuitive messages. Reiki is the life force energy that rebalances us, that brings us back into harmony and peace once more. Sometimes the intuitive or psychic insights at the end can actually do more harm than good, and can actually cause clients to get stuck in their heads about something you’ve said. So a kind reminder to check your ego, read the room, and only share what you feel is going to land positively with your client.

Have questions?

If you have any further questions about intuition, psychic insights, or Reiki healing, you can contact me here! If you’re interested in learning Reiki, check out Reiki Level 1 as the perfect starting point. For those of you who have completed a Reiki Course, check out our upcoming Reiki Shares! These workshops are a great opportunity to reconnect with your fellow Reiki healers, practice Reiki on each other, and ask any questions you might have. If you’ve completed your Reiki training, I also offer Reiki Mentoring sessions, where we can work on building your intuition, and working through any issues or problems you may encounter during a Reiki session.

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