I’m not here to ‘fix’ you

By Casey Cheah, 22 November 2023

I’m not here to ‘fix’ you

I’m not here to ‘fix’ you

You are not broken! There is nothing to fix. There may be things going on in your life that are not in alignment, or you might feel stagnant. You might be going through some serious challenges. Regardless of what you have going on in your life, everything is as it’s meant to be, in order for you to grow, learn, evolve, master, or uncover something deeper about yourself.

Spiritual work is deep inner work

Reiki energy can help to dissolve energetic blockages, release emotion, and charge you up with more positive energy for sure! However, there is usually also some deeper work that needs to be done. The inner work is to understand why you are the way you are, why things are unfolding in your life in the way that they are, and what your part in it is. The easy part is releasing the energy. The hard part is taking responsibility for your reality, and understanding that your life is what you make it. You have the power of choice and free will, yet I often see clients slip into victim mode. It can be very easy to relinquish responsibility in favour of ‘poor me’, people pleasing, or blame.

People pleasing is a form of neglecting your Self

I see a lot of clients who are ‘people pleasers’, putting others’ needs ahead of their own, often at the expense of themselves. Their own health, friends, family, and life in general suffers due to this needing others to be happy first. The thing is, it is NOT our responsibility to make other people happy! We are each responsible for our own happiness, mental health, and life. Everyone else is responsible for their own health, happiness, and life. By trying to please others, we are jumping into their lane and crossing over onto their side of the street. In doing so, we are disempowering them and depriving them of learning to stand in their own power. We are also draining our own energy and neglecting our own Self. 

Ego vs Love

Often when people go out of their way to help others all the time, a level of resentment can build if people don’t do the same in return. That giving of time, energy, support, etc then becomes transactional. It is now full of expectation, rather than unconditional love and true generosity. The moment we expect or hope or want something in return, is the moment we put a condition on our so-called act of kindness. This act then becomes one based in Ego or Fear, not in Love. Ego has its basis in control. Once you let go of control, there is massive release, and this leads to freedom and the ability to give freely.

Giving is a form of love, and love has no expectations

This is not to say never help anyone, ever! Of course, giving is a beautiful thing to do. But we must only give when we have enough in our own tank. Only when we have taken responsibility for ourselves, and when we can genuinely give without any expectation of receiving anything back in return. When we take the expectation away (both on giving and receiving), then it becomes a true act of kindness. 

Beware of energy vampires

If you choose to help someone, then it doesn’t feel right anymore, you can make a different decision. That choice is always yours to make freely. If the receiver flares up when you stop giving, there was clearly expectation (on their side) linked to your gift. This is someone who is still being driven by Ego (need to control). An energy vampire is someone who is draining your energy and your gifts and placing expectation, need, and want on you. Giving or not giving is a choice that is yours to make freely. Love and energy genuinely given and lovingly received, is easy and fluid and without expectation. It helps to be discerning about when, how and whom you are giving your time, energy, and money to.

It’s a hard lesson to learn, I know!

This is a lesson I’ve had to learn (the hard way!). As an empath, it’s all too easy to pick up on someone else’s emotions and energy. Empaths feel everything to the extreme, so it’s natural to want to help others. We can feel their pain and suffering immensely! The challenge then becomes to stop. Focus inwards, value and respect yourself and your own needs, then create boundaries that reflect that self worth.

Release the need to give

Only when you have released the need to give, can you truly give from a place of love. If you are giving to make yourself feel better, or because you feel obliged, guilty, shamed, or expected to help, this is not giving from a place of love. This ‘giving’ is a lie, and it has its basis in Ego and control. This can make you doubt yourself, drain your energy, and can make you feel like you’re broken or going crazy.

I’m not here to ‘fix’ you. You’re not broken

As a healer, I’m not here to ‘fix’ you, just as it’s not your job to fix others. You are not broken, no-one is! You might have gone through a ton of trauma, or going through a rough patch. Maybe you’re in a situation that is causing a lot of emotional turmoil. But every situation is one that is presented to us to learn, grow and evolve. If we keep finding yourself in the same situation over and over, this is a sign you need to stop! Be still for awhile, and do the deep inner work to find out why you keep attracting and manifesting the same lesson time and time again. 

I’m here for you!

This is not easy work, so if you need support, I’m here for you! I won’t solve your problems for you, but I will help you navigate your situation and your emotions. With support, you’ll learn to take back your power, let go of control, and see things from a different perspective. Sometimes what you need most is someone to believe in you, and understand what you’re going through. You have more power to heal yourself than you realise! You may even need some energy support, and that is definitely something I can provide. However, know that YOU hold the power to turn your life around. Things are always happening for you (not to you). Everything is an opportunity, we just need to hunt around for it sometimes!

Book in for a Reiki or Coaching session

If you need support or coaching, you can book in for a Reiki + Coaching, pure Reiki healing, or even a Tarot + Reiki healing. However, if you are wanting to dive in deeper to your inner Self, I would highly recommend booking in for a Reiki Course! Start with Reiki Level 1 ‘Shoden’, and then if you choose to go further, you can do Reiki Level 2 ‘Okuden’ and Reiki Level 3a ‘Reiki Master Practitioner’.

Go deeper with Reiki healing

Reiki is a way to get to know yourself on a much deeper level. You will uncover things about yourself that you never knew existed. You will heal in a way that is completely transformative, and you will understand energy and how it really works. Learning Reiki is not about becoming a professional Reiki healing, although that is an option if you want to. Learning Reiki healing is an individual journey to your inner world.

To find out more click here, or if you have questions, reach out here. I look forward to seeing you soon!

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